Meet their new owners

Frandelhi’s collie puppies are grown now and, just like children growing up, need to establish their own identities. After much consideration, some of them have already found a new home – a new home that will be theirs forever with a family that will love them.

I apologize to those who, for one reason or another, I’ve had to deprive the joy of owning one of our puppies but, as a parent myself, it is my duty to make sure that each puppy will go to a place I know will experience the same love they experienced the moment they were whelped. After all, they will be taken away from their father, Aidan’s Resonating Light, and mother, Summer’s Inspiring Spot.

Allow me to introduce the new owners – no – families of our collie puppies. Neither the sex nor markings of the puppy were a factor in deciding which puppy to choose. Instead, the dog chose the owner, thus marking the beginning of a new connection.

I know that the new owners will take care of the puppies that chose them and vice versa.


Chase –  Melissa Martusky and her daughter Amber

Chase shows affection to Amber We will be buddies forever!

Harper – BethAnn Guenther-Misunas and Daughter Sydney

Misunas Family (Harper) 1 Sidney and Mom (Harper and Oliver) Sidney (Harper)

Layla – Lynda Terry Choyke

Laylah with Linda 3 Laylah with Linda 2

Ava – Janice Holt and Family

Ava with the Holt's Family 3 Ava with the Holt's Family 2 Ava with the Holt's Family 1

Jack -Janice De Haven and Family

Jack with DeHaven Family 1 Jack with DeHaven Family 2 

Oliver – Vera N. Guertler and her daughter Harmony 

Oliver with Harmony 2Oliver with Harmony 1

Phantom – Donal O’Sullivan and family