As a bird lover, I want to return to my birds the enjoyment and comfort I get from them. I built an aviary, a place for them to be safe and comfortable as they retire for the day. I separated powder-secreting birds from oil-secreting birds, breeders from non-breeders, and males from females. There is also a brooding area where babies that have been removed from their parents can stay until they are all fully weaned.

Maintaining the aviary is a commitment that a responsible bird lover who owns many birds may decide to make. It must be a place free from anything that may cause harm to the birds. Many factors must be considered including room temperature, cleanliness of their cages, lighting, etc. I do not spend a lot of time in the aviary room, so I make sure that the place is equipped with things that will keep the birds occupied while I am not around. They have music that plays on a timer. The sound of the waterfall adds to the soothing atmosphere. And on occasion, they get a visit of Dipsy, our Tricolor Collie. The aviary is not open to public. This is their haven where they can flock together as Birds for Comfort.